Monday, May 13, 2013

A Hazard of Hearts

A Hazard of Hearts 
Compulsive gambler, Sir Giles Staverley, is tricked into gambling away his home by his old adversary Lord Harry Wrotham. As Staverley is distraught and desperate, Wrotham gives him one last chance - he will gamble everything Staverley has lost against Staverley's daughter's hand in marriage and her trust fund of 80,000 guineas. Staverley agrees and loses once again, but unable to face his daughter, Serena, he kills himself. Lord Justin Vulcan, a notoriously cool, clear-headed gambler, challenges Wrotham for the house and the girl and, much to Wrotham's disgust, wins. Justin now finds himself in possession of the house and Serena, but has no idea of what to do with them

Miss Serena Staverley

Gambling his daughter's hand in marriage 

Lord Justin Vulcan


The sly Lady Harriet Vulcan

The wicked Lord Harry Wrotham

Planning an abduction

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